Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lotus Dental Care - Dentistry For All Ages

Lotus Dental Care, Dentistry For All Ages


As 2014 is winding, don't let your dental insurance and flex spending accounts for 2014 go waste. Use them for your oral health, as the yearly benefits do not roll over into the next calendar year for most insurance plans.


It is advisable to begin treatment early, so that it can be completed on time before the end of the calendar year.

Click here to schedule your appointment with us.

By delaying treatment, you are risking more extensive damage to your teeth and gums, and thus setting yourself up for extensive dental treatment. If you have paid your premium for the year, then it's time to utilise it for your benefit.

What We Offer

-Exceptional, and high quality ,personalised dental care for your entire family.
- We have evening and weekend appointments.

- We  work with your insurance claims and verify your benefits prior to beginning any dental treatment, so you would know your exact breakdown, no surprises.

Thank you all for your referrals. We truly appreciate your trust in our practice. We offer a 25 $ credit to your dental treatment or a $ 25 gift card as a token of appreciation.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Should your Insurance Company Dictate your Level of Dental Care?

We often come across patients who tell us that they will do treatment only that their insurance plan covers.

Don’t let insurance companies decide  your treatment options.

We would like to encourage you to utilize your insurance benefits as a co-payment for your health care , and not let it decide your level of care. Most dental problems can be easily prevented by visiting your dentist a few times a year for routine check-ups and cleaning. Even if you have to pay out of pocket for a simple procedure that can be taken care of conservatively right now, we recommend that you should proceed with the treatment, instead of postponing it and waiting for your insurance plan to cover it at a later date, eventually resulting in more damage, and more extensive treatment .

We have seen too many cases where a simple preventive approach at an earlier appointment could have prevented a root canal treatment and a crown. A  pre-cancerous ulcer can be diagnosed early and can be a life saving experience!

Most preventative treatment is very affordable , regardless of dental insurance. So, don’t wait for the next calendar year if you are out of benefits !

At Lotus Dental Care, in Glendale Heights, we have several payment options and also have an in office discount plan for patients who do not have insurance.

Call us today at 630-793-9480 to schedule your appointment.

Monday, August 18, 2014

One of My Teeth is More Discolored than the Others. What should I Do?

Why does tooth discoloration happen only to one tooth?

It is difficult to answer this question without a dental exam.There could be two possibilities-

- The tooth is stained, or
- The tooth is dead.

The good news is that there are effective solutions for both of these cases.

1) Stained tooth - Teeth can become stained due to food and drinks that we may consume such as coffee, wine, tea etc and due to certain medications consumed, especially during childhood.
We offer in office and home whitening systems for stained teeth to help the tooth to match the rest of your teeth.

For several stained teeth that are hereditary in nature or caused due to some medications, veneers are an excellent treatment option to

2) A dead tooth - A dead tooth simply means that the nerve of the tooth is dead, giving it a dull gray or a brownish hue to it . This type of stain can gradually occur after the tooth has chipped or fractured following an accident or a fall .

The treatment for a dead tooth is usually a root canal treatment followed by protecting the fragile treated tooth with a protective cover commonly called as a cap. The cap will protect the tooth as well as cover the stain, so that the tooth can match the rest of your teeth.

Call our dental office in Glendale Heights, Il 60139 if you feel you have stained or discolored teeth and we would love to help you find a good solution for you. Lotus Family Dental Care.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Are These Stains or Cavities? Do They Need Fillings or No?

Patients often come into our office and  ask if the stains on their grooves on their back teeth and around their existing fillings are cavities and do they need fillings immediately or can they wait and see how the progress is. I am sure many of you have had this experience where  you had a second opinion and got different answers that either confused you or made you doubt one of the doctors. It is a very common scenario that all dentists face from time to time. The decision of filling cavities in teeth is based on several factors and the dentist eventually makes a judgement call based on these factors. 

1. Clinical exam with  x rays : This method is the most commonly used technique to diagnose cavities, combined with x rays. But, not all cavities are visible on the x rays . They have to be deep and bigger  to be actually visible on the x rays. Waiting for the cavities to be visible on the x rays before filling them, eventually results in a bigger filling by removing more decayed tooth structure. This can be prevented  by early detection and treatment.

2. Close monitoring over a period of time : If the stain on the grooves remains unchanged in size, texture and depth, over a period of few months or years, it is probably best to wait. But if changes are observed in the nature of the stain, then it should be treated immediately.

3. Newer tools like lasers and light reflecting tools can aid in diagnosing cavities at an early stage , thus helping to promote preventive dental treatment. Smaller cavities are easier to treat and relatively painless as compared to bigger cavities which pose a high risk of extending to the nerve of the tooth.

4 Individual patient factors : Individual patient factors contribute significantly to the treatment decision. Some of these factors include oral hygiene, overall health of the patient, (any  medical risk factors that may increase chances of cavities )

family history of the patient( yes, surprisingly, heredity is a significant decision making factor-some people simply have a greater tendency to having decay), patient motivation to maintain good oral hygiene and regular dental appointments, patient’s age, and whether the patient is wearing braces or any other form of orthodontic devices which can make good oral hygiene challenging and time consuming.

So, eventually, the dentist will make a judgement call depending on all these factors , and outweigh the risks and benefits of the treatment that will be recommended . Ultimately, it is upto the patient to decide whether they want to make cavities treatment or wait after your doctor makes his diagnosis.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Why a Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Can Save Your Life!

Sleep apnea is one of the most undiagnosed conditions around.

For those who are not familiar with what sleep apnea is, its’ most common form-obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes patients to stop breathing periodically several times throughout the night or makes their breathing so shallow that the blood cannot receive sufficient oxygen. In severe cases, the person can wake up dozens of times in their sleep, without actually being aware of it and thus leaving them tired and fatigued on waking up in the morning coupled with headaches .

The best part of treatment by sleep apnea dentist is that even non-drug treatment methods are very effective in controlling the symptoms and even a few nights of treatment can incredibly change their lives for the better.
Take a simple test to determine if you or a loved one may be suffering from sleep apnea-

1-Do you snore loudly?

2-Do you feel tired during the day?

3-Are you older than 50?

4-Is your BMI greater than 35?

5-Are you a male?

If you feel you may be suffering from sleep apnea, a simple visit to Lotus Dental Care will help change your life for the better. Visit us on the web at or call 630-793-9480 to make a complimentary consultation appointment. We are located at 522 North Avenue, Glendale Heights, Il 60139.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Why You Should Use a Mouth Guard During Sports!


Tis the season of outdoor sports once again! It’s a good time to think about the benefits of using a mouth guard before you or your kids venture out on the field.

Here are few reasons why a custom made mouth guard can be indispensable for you and your children-

1) The mouth guard protects your mouth from your teeth and prevents injury to the tissues from teeth and prevent bleeding or sores from nicks to your lips or gums  , especially in contact sports.

2) A custom made mouth guard is made specifically for your teeth by a dental laboratory using a very durable and biocompatible material unlike a stock mouth guard available at a sporting goods store. The stock mouth guard fits somewhat like an oversized shoe, so imagine the difference in your comfort level  and thus your compliance in wearing one!

3) Many schools and leagues require a mouth guard to ensure the safety of the children. Wearing a mouth guard also enhances the performance of the children , making them feel more confident and brave.

4) A mouth guard is more cost effective and saves money in the long run. It is affordable to use a mouth guard as a preventive measure rather than experiencing a dental injury on the field and visiting the emergency room and even worse, losing your tooth or breaking one of them.

Play it safe!

Call us at 630-793-9480 or visit us at and ask about our spring/summer mouth guard specials!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dental Care During and After Pregnancy

Taking good care of your teeth and your gums isn’t only about you, it is also about the health of your baby. Your child’s teeth begin to develop during the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy. You need to eat a balanced diet rich in calcium in order to make sure that you and your baby are receiving adequate nourishment.

In addition to this, it is commonplace for pregnant women to observe an increased redness, bleeding and swelling of the gums. This is called as “pregnancy gingivitis”. It occurs due to increased hormone levels such as progesterone, which causes a stronger than normal response to plaque/tartar around your teeth. This type of gingivitis can be adequately kept in control by practicing good oral hygiene  by brushing and flossing regularly.  It is important to get your teeth cleaned by your dentist during pregnancy. Also, you may get busier after your newborn arrives, and it is easy  to neglect your oral health, once your bundle of joy arrives!

Remember, you can always ask your dentist in Glendale Heights at Lotus Family Denatal Care about how to maintain good oral hygiene during and after pregnancy .

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

The changing face of oral cancer

Once considered as an old man smoker’s disease, oral cancer is rapidly changing its face. In recent times, cancer of the oral cavity is seen in a much younger population of males and females who may or may not have a history of tobacco and alcohol consumption or other earlier known risk factors. Human Papilloma Virus that causes cervical cancer is known to be responsible for oral cancer as well.

Almost 41,000 Americans are diagnosed annually for oral and throat cancers. It is alarming that the 5 year survival rate of oral cancer is only close to 64 %.

Early detection and treatment is the key to long term survival without undergoing significant surgery and resulting facial deformities.

During your initial dental visit at Lotus Dental Care, we do a visual examination of your oral tissues including, but not limited to the teeth, gums, cheeks, tongue, floor of the mouth, tonsils, palate, followed by palpation of the head and neck regions to check for early signs and symptoms of oral cancer.

The symptoms of oral cancer could be as follows-
  1. A sore or an ulcer that refuses to heal. If it persists for more than 2 weeks, it needs attention.
  2. Recurring ulcers or sore spots.
  3. White discoloration of the tissues in the mouth.
  4. A lump, thickening, rough spot, or a crust.
  5. Pain, tenderness or numbness of the lips, teeth or gums.
  6. A change in the way your teeth fit when you close your mouth.
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial research, the first thing you should do while being treated for oral cancer is visit a dentist. Make sure to check your mouth for any sore spots or lesions developing during radiation or chemotherapy.

For more information on this topic, visit this website -

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Taking care of teeth with braces

There are few things that are more challenging than trying to brush your teeth and floss them while you have braces. Although slightly difficult , it is very important to brush and floss during your orthodontic treatment in order to ensure that you do not get new cavities at the end of your treatment. It is a common scenario that new decay develops in several teeth during the treatment especially in the hard to reach areas such as the last molars. Also, there may be discoloration of the teeth and the various attachments and brackets that are present in your mouth.

Few tips for maintaining good oral hygiene –
  • Invest in an electric tooth brush as it will increase your efficiency of brushing.

  • Floss before you brush – This makes sure that all the food particles dislodged while flossing are removed completely while brushing.

  • Use a proxabrush each time. It does a really good job at removing food particles between the teeth. Utilise your regular tooth brush aslo along with the proxabrush.

  • Visit your dentist for cleaning regularly, so that if cavities develop, then they can be caught early on .
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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lipstick shades and a whiter smile

How tricky it is to find that perfect shade of lipstick. Did you know how some lipstick shades can actually make your teeth appear whiter than they are , while some shades can make them look yellow.

For a brighter dazzling smile, try-
  1. Rich reds and berries-These colors are perfect to make your pearly whites look brighter. Notice Emma Stone’s lipstick?
  2. Lip colors with blue undertones-           .
  3. Shimmery bright pink glossy shades- These reflect against greying enamel and create an illusion of shinier teeth.
Best shades to avoid-
  1. Shades like coral or tomato have yellow and orange undertones and make the teeth look yellower.
  2. Avoid frosts, matts and pale pinks- to avoid dull looking teeth.
Try these tricks for a dazzling smile and let us know if they work for you.

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The debate over mercury in silver fillings

Are silver fillings really that dangerous for your health as they have been claimed?

In 2013, Dr Oz sparked up a controversy in his hugely popular show stating the dangers and hazards of silver fillings attributing it to the high mercury content in them. That controversy was soon followed by a claim from the American Dental Association that as a physician he failed to educate his viewers and relied on sensationalism to prove something that is inaccurate. The ADA counter claim was supported by several authentic research studies.

Dental amalgam fillings are actually safe and effective ways to restore the back teeth and usually last much longer than tooth colored fillings. Of course, it’s best to not have any filling. Tooth colored fillings are obviously the only option for treating cavities in the front teeth, but if there is a cavity in one of your back teeth which will not be visible , you do have two choices , white fillings or silver fillings , and both the choices are healthy and safe for you. In fact, several dentists will prefer silver fillings in their own teeth, and ask your dentist the reasons for this preference.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It’s not your average denture

The word denture conjures up an image of a set of artificially looking set of fake teeth set up on a pink base that fits moderately and looks average. Often , one would imagine using denture adhesive to make the denture fit well .But thanks to recent advances in technology and in dentistry, there are many better ways to replace teeth , and one of them is implant supported dentures.

What exactly is an implant supported denture, you may ask.It is a denture that is supported by elements embedded in the bone of the jaws. The mandibular/lower denture can benefit more from an implant supported denture , but they can be useful for both upper and lower dentures.

Existing dentures can be modified to fit onto implants or new dentures can be made after thr implants are placed.

It is finally possible to replace many missing teeth with dentures while maintaining a high level of function and omfort.

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