What exactly is a root canal treatment? And when is a root canal treatment required?
For answers to any questions about root canal treatment , consult Dr Purvi Thakkar-
Dentist Glendale Heights .
Root canals are minute passageways that begin in the crown of the tooth and traverse vertically all the way down to the tip(apex of the tooth). Teeth can have one to four root canals. Whenever the caries/decay process involves the nerves of the teeth, then they get infected and the bacteria travel all the way through the root canal up to the apex of the tooth, thereby leading to infection and abscess formation in the surrounding periodontal tissues as well.
What are the symptoms that point to a possible root canal treatment?
A tooth can have decay/caries that is extending deep in the nerves /pulp chamber. Many times, the tooth in question will be painful on chewing, and more commonly, pain will increase at night time , while going to bed.Some times, the tooth may be sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks. Teeth some times turn dark or have some discolouration if the nerve of the tooth has degenerated a long time ago. If you have any of these symptoms, then do not hesitate or wait longer before reaching out for a consultation. If left untreated, there may be an abscess or a cyst ( pus filled sac) around the tooth which can cause pain, drainage of pus and more severe infection.
How many appointments does a root canal therapy take?
dentists in Glendale heights perform root canal treatment in one to three appointments in which the following steps are sequentially performed-
1- Removal of the infected/ diseased nerve tissue from the root canals, thus halting the spread of infection any further.
2- Cleaning and shaping of the root canals .
3- Filling the root canals with a biocompatible root canal filling material.
Is root canal therapy painful?
The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia , and is usually painless. If required, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed during the course of the treatment.
Usually, after completion of the root canal treatment , most patients are able to preserve the treated tooth for almost as long as its healthy counterpart.
Is there a warranty for the root canal therapy? Does a root canal therapy last forever?
Many patients ask us this question. At the same time, occasionally we see patients who have had past endodontic treatment , but sometimes the treated tooth does not heal well and becomes painful or diseased monhs or even years after the treatment. In this situation, you still have a second chance at saving the tooth by
endodontic retreatment.
There could be a few reasons leading to re-infection after completion of endodontic treatment-
1- New caries/decay can affect the tooth and expose the root canal treated tooth to new bacteria lead to infection.
2- Delay in placing the final restoration and/or the crown after completion of the root canal procedure. A loose, cracked or boken filling.
3-Narrow and cuved root canals to begin with .
4- Microscopic extensions from the root canal ito the tissues which cannot be efficiently cleaned
5- Leakage of saliva between the filling and the root canal , leading to infection .
Re-treatment can be successfully attempted in most cases. After discussing your options of retreatment, the old root canal filling is removed and the canals are cleaned, infection removed . If the canals are narrow or curved, a surgery may be required to remove the infection completely from the tip of the tooth. After re-treatment is successfully completed, the permanent filling and crown are placed immediately in order to avoid any chance of infection in the future.
What is the cost of a Root Canal therapy?
The cost of a root canal treatment performed by our team of dentists in Glendale heights , depends on several factors.
Molars usually are more complex to treat than the other teeth. If root canal treatment is delayed or if one chooses to extract the tooth, then replacement of the extracted tooth by any method is usually more expensive and time consuming than a root canal treatment.
For any questions regarding
root canal treatment in Glendale heights, be sure to consult our
expert dentists in Glendale heights, at 630-793-9480 or you can enquire online through our website.