Sunday, December 29, 2013

Which tooth paste would you recommend?

Of course, the one with the ADA seal on it , and that is true. But it is interesting how most of the toothpastes on the shelves of your local Walgreens or Costco will have the ADA seal and each one will be different from the other because of their teeth whitening properties, or cavity protective properties, or tartar control or desensitizing  properties. The regular tooth paste is at the bottom shelf and is surrounded by more expensive tubes. So after all is said and done,when properly applied with a good brush and good technique, your regular tooth paste will work just as fine as the other fancy counterparts.

Desensitizing toothpastes though are helpful for sensitive teeth and contain potassium nitrate that can reduce sensitivity.

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Night guards. For me?

Over the past years, I have recommended night guards for many patients and they have benefitted from wearing a night guard . The general opinion is that patients do not really  like to wear one. Night guards can be made in different materials and I usually prefer the soft lined night guards that have a harder outer layer for maximum efficiency and a softer inner lining for optimum comfort.

They have minimum to zero  tissue contact with your gums and can be worn in either your upper or lower jaw. Even though you deny grinding your teeth while you sleep, the asymmetrical wear patterns on your teeth can be at least partly linked to grinding or clenching your teeth either in the daytime or at night time.

You may not be a true bruxer, but a night guard will surely reduce the wear of enamel on your teeth. The only contraindication of a night guardis-Unwillingness to wear one!!

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How can I book an appointment at your office?

The usual way is to call our office at 630-793-9480, but if it is after hours, and you have the urge to make an appointment, then you could leave us a voicemail requesting an appointment or make an appointment via our website at

Now, there really is no need to wait to make an appointment. We reserve time in our daily schedule to see patients who have a dental emergency.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

How do I choose a new dentist?

Have you recently moved into a new city or has your dentist’s office moved or the dentist has retired?

Some situations may arise that can keep you on the lookout for a new dental provider in your vicinity.

Here are some factors to consider while you make that decision.

  1. Ask your prospective dentist if they accept your insurance plan? And also make sure to ask if they will take care of handling your insurance claims on your behalf .
  2. What are their office hours? Do they have weekend hours or after work hours? Are they flexible in scheduling your appointments so that you do not have to miss work very often?
  3. Where do your friends or family go? Ask them or ask in your local church or school or on Facebook.
  4. Look at the website of the office and compare how one office is different from another or which appeals more to you interms of distance from your home, ease of parking , and other factors.

With these tips in hand, you will be adequately prepared to make an educated decision about choosing your oral health provider.

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Manual or electric tooth brush?

Wondering if that hi-tech power toothbrush on display at your dentist’s office or in the commercials that hit us every day is really more superior to the manual tooth brush? And what about the power tooth brushes that operate on the AA batteries? Where do they stand?

The answer is not a simple one and like anything else, each have their own pros and cons.

The electric tooth brushes do have some some powerful features that make them an attractive choice like they come with an in built timer and the moving bristles are more effective in removing plaque.The downside is that they can get expensive and the ongoing cost of replacing heads can pile up in the long run. So ,you want to make sure you know what you are getting into.

Regularly replaced manual brushes will be more effective than worn out electric heads. Manual brushes are tried and tested , and do their job just right, if the correct technique is used for a sufficient amount of time. You have to do all the job. Some people fall into bad habits of simply swabbing their teeth .

So, which tooth brush is best for you? The one which you will use effectively and frequently. Also remember, no matter which tooth brush you choose to use, daily flossing and dental visits for teeth cleaning are absolutely necessary for good oral health.

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What should I know about my wisdom teeth

For those who have their wisdom teeth placed correctly in a mouth that is big enough for them to erupt completely without tilting, wisdom teeth are usually harmless. But for many patients, wisdom teeth can cause many problems and these problems more often than not necessitate removal of the wisdom teeth.

Do you need your wisdom teeth removed?

Call your dentist in Glendale Heights for a consultation or visit us on the web at

Post extraction care-

1.      Many times, more than one  wisdom tooth are removed at a singleappointment , so that recovery time is reduced. Patients should be prepared for a liquid diet at least for a day or two after wisdom teeth removal. You can have ice creams , mashed potatoes , pudding without any guilt after wisdom teeth removal.

2.      As with any tooth removal or minor surgery, expect some pain and swelling. These can be controlled by antibiotics and pain medicines.

3.      Brush very gently in the region of the extraction site and try to keep the socket free of food particles .

4.      Ice packs applied externally can help to reduce the swelling , if any.

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Tips for surviving your next dental appointment

It is estimated that around around 20 % of  Americans do not go to the dentist due to fear and anxiety.  A great percentage of people will only go when absolutely necessary.

Dental appointments do not have to be filled with fear or phobia and here are few tips that can help you before you decide to knock yourself out during the appointment with Xanax or Laughing gas.

1.      Take your ipod with you - Music is a great stress buster and has a relaxing effect. It can make you run faster on your tread mill  and distract you after a stressful day at work. So, tune in to your favourite playlists and dream about being on a beach or a happier place while your dentist shines your pearly whites.

2.      Communicate- Most people are scared of the unknown. Ask questions about the procedure to be performed  or the instruments used. Don’t suffer in silence.

3.      Schedule your appointments on a relaxed day and avoid coming in after a stressful day at work.

4.      You should be able to completely trust your dentist. If you do not trust your dentist, look for another one.

5.      Your child’s first visit should be more fun than fear. As an accompanying parent, you should be able to relax and not impose your fears on the child.

6.      A recent trend is dentistry in a spa atmosphere, but do not expect your insurance to pick up the pedicure tab.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Dental Humor

Everyone needs a little humor to get them through the day. Whether you need  little break from work, or school work, these one liners are sure to give your facial muscles a little exercise-
1. What does the dentist of the year get-
A Plaque.

2. Where does the dentist get his gas?
At the filling station

3. Patient- Doctor, I am very nervous, this is my first extraction.
Doctor- Don’t worry, mine too.

4. Mom- Has your tooth stopped hurting yet?
Son- I don’t know, my dentist kept it.

5. A little boy was taken to the dentist for filling a cavity. The dentist asked-  Young man, what filling would you like ? The boy replied- Chocolate please.

And one more chuckle for you-

6-What was the dentist looking for in Panama?
Ans- The root canal.

So What’s your favorite dentist joke?
Share with us via Facebook or visit us on the web at

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Healthy Teeth Healthy Heart

Experts say that your oral health could clue you in to the condition of your heart — so listen up! Here's what you should know about the links between your teeth, gums, and ticker.

You brush, floss and follow all your dentist’s commandments for healthy teeth. But did you know that these mouth healthy habits can keep your heart healthy too?

Research has found a surprising number of links between healthy teeth and gums and a healthy heart. In fact we now know that people who develop gum disease ( gingivitis) and periodontitis( infection of gums and tissues below the level of the teeth) are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease. Another study suggests that half the patients with heart disease have bleeding gums, gum disease and missing teeth.

When there is an unusually high amount of bacteria in the mouth , the bacteria enters the bloodstream and travels all the way to the heart , therefore leading to inflammation in the heart and blood vessels.The bacteria can lead to increased chances of clot formation that can block the blood flow to your heart. Meanwhile researchers are also studying the relationship between gum disease and stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, preterm babies , and even respiratory disease.

If you have bad breath, bleeding gums, or loose teeth, swollen gums,  you could be suffering from gum disease . To know more about gum disease treatment, call your dentist in Glendale heights at 630-793-9480 or visit us on the web at

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Tips for Fresh Breath

Dentists say it all the tim
e- If you brush twice a day, floss and scrape your tongue, it is the first step towards battling bad breath. Your mouth contains millions of bacteria, so remember, your food supply is  their food supply .

Drink plenty of water- Hydrate hydrate – It is not only good for your skin, and the entire system by flushing out toxins, but it’s a very simple and easy way to clear stubborn food particles from your mouth and eliminate dryness of your mouth,which can cause bad breath. Saliva helps keep the oral tissues moist, so saliva along with ample of water intake can help prevent dry mouth. Alcohol too contributes to dry mouth, so eliminate intake of alcohol.

Eat foods that are high in vitamin C rich foods like melons, citrus fruits and fiber packed foods like apples and celery.

Opt for sugar free gum instead of sugary mints which do more harm than good by leaving behind a sugar residue on the tongue .

If you are following all the above tips and still have less than ideal fresh breath, contact your Dentist In Glendale Heights at 630-793-9480 or make an appointment online via

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dental Myths

It is amazing how many dental myths are floating there , whether they are about general oral health, dental treatment or certain kinds of food. There is a lot of information that may not be 100 % true.
It is hard to make good health decisions without having the right knowledge.
Here are a few myths that we come across on a very regular basis from our patients-
  1. Teeth whitening weakens your teeth-The truth is that teeth whitening does not weaken the teeth at all,and are harmless if performed correctly. It can cause teeth sensitivity which is transient and limited to plain sensitivity, it is not related to the strength of the teeth .
  2. The more sugar you eat, the worse it is for your teeth-
The amount of sugar you eat is not as crucial as the duration for which it is consumed. The longer the time tha sugary foods stay in contact with your teeth, the longer your teeth are exposwed to the ill effects of sugar and more bacteria can feed on them, thus leading to tooth decay. Thus eat your candy quickly instead of eating sugary foods over a prolonged period of time to limit the incidence of cavities.
  1. Brushing your teeth is bad for bleeding gums – If your gums are bleeding when you brush your teeth, it is no reason to stop brushing them.Bleeding gums are a sign of food particles stuck between your teeth and under the gums and need to be removed carefully to treat bleeding gums by brushing and dental cleaning by your dentist or hygienist.
  2. Did you fall for any of these legends or do you know of any popular myths about your teeth or oral health?
Share it with us online or come visit your Glendale Heights Dentist at Lotus Family Dental Care – 522 North Avenue, Glendale Heights, Il 60139.

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Thursday, November 28, 2013


5 Reasons to get Dentures- 

Dentures are a common solution for people who have several missing teeth or have weak teeth  or if their gum line cannot support the natural teeth any longer .With recent advances in technology and dental materials, the dentures simulate the natural teeth very closely , and the people who receive them feel like they have their natural teeth. Here are 5 reasons why people receive dentures-

1-MISSING TEETH    - One of the main reasons wy people receive dentures is that they have lost their teeth due to traumatic injuries, or gum disease , or tooth decay. It is very important to replace missing teeth , so that the teeth do not shift into the space created by missing teeth, and the bite does not shift or become traumatic.
2- TEETH SHIFTING-   Teeth shift when the bone around them is lost due to progressive disease. Eventually, the teeth become loose and they have to  be removed.                                                                                                              
 3- TOOTHACHE-When there is extensive decay in the tooth and all attempts to save it are unsuccessful, the decayed tooth eventually has to be removed. The missing space is then filled with the help of artifical teeth, and dentures is one of the several options of replacing the missing tooth.

4-Cannot chew properly- If there are several missing teeth in the mouth, the bite shifts or the becomes deep and  you are unable to chew properly owing to the distorted bite. Dentures can not only replace the missing teeth, but also restore the bite to a point where you are able to chew properly.

5- Trouble chewing hard foods- If a person is unable to chew hard foods then the culprit could be a decayed tooth which can be treated if caught early on, but if it cannot be saved, then the tooth will have to be removed and dentures is one way of replacing the missing tooth.
If you feel that you may need dentures, or if you are looking to consult an affordable dentist about dentures, and live in and around Glendale Heights, then feel free to visit us on the web at or Contact Dr Purvi Thakkar at 630-793-9480 for a complimentary consultation.

Friday, November 22, 2013

 No one needs to know that you are straightening our teeth.

Do you want straight teeth but dislike metal braces showing through your smile?  Or do your current work and life situations prevent you from getting braces ?  If yes, then Invisalign is the solution for you.


  What is Invisalign?
Simply put it is Invisible braces or clear braces.

How does it work?

It takes a modern approach to straightening teeth by using a series of clear, virtually invisible aligners custom-made for you. Wearing these aligners will gradually move your teeth into place based on the exact movements that your dentist has decided for you.
The aligners are made with the help of Dr Thakkar,s expertise and 3-D imaging technology.
Our dentists in Glendale heights are offering a complimentary  smile consultation to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

What is the cost of invisalign?

The first question that comes to your mind is the cost of Invisalign. The good news is that most patients are pleasantly surprised to hear that the cost of invisalign is comparable to conventional orthodontic braces.

Who is a candidate of Invisalign?

Come to our Glendale heights dentist office and take a complimentary smile assessment and we can determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you. Many of our patients range from teenagers to adults of all ages who have good periodontal health.

How long is the treatment?

Dr Thakkar will first evaluate your case and determine how much movement of teeth is needed. Generally, the total number of aligners can vary from 20-30 per patient, and the duration of treatment is close to 18-26 months. We will see you every 5-7 weeks in order to assess the progress of the treatment.
For clear braces/Invisalign in Glendale Heights area, visit Lotus Family Dental Care in
 Glendale Heights for a complimentary smile assessment.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Root canal treatment Glendale Heights

Root Canal Treatment-            

What exactly is a root canal treatment? And when is a root canal treatment required?
For answers to any questions about root canal treatment , consult Dr Purvi Thakkar-
 Dentist Glendale Heights .

Root canals are minute passageways that begin in the crown of the tooth and traverse vertically all the way down to the tip(apex of the tooth). Teeth can have one to four root canals. Whenever the caries/decay process involves the nerves of the teeth, then they get infected and the bacteria travel all the way through the root canal up to the apex of the tooth, thereby leading to infection and abscess formation in  the surrounding periodontal tissues as well.

What are the symptoms that point to a possible root canal treatment?

A tooth can have decay/caries that is extending deep in the nerves /pulp chamber. Many times, the tooth in question will be painful on chewing, and more commonly, pain will increase at night time , while going to bed.Some times, the tooth may be sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks. Teeth some times turn dark or have some discolouration if the nerve of the tooth has degenerated a long time ago. If you have any of these symptoms, then do not hesitate or wait longer before reaching out for a consultation. If left untreated, there may be an abscess or a cyst ( pus filled sac) around the tooth which can cause pain, drainage of pus and more severe infection.

How many appointments does a root canal therapy take?
Our dentists in Glendale heights perform root canal treatment in  one to three appointments in which the following steps are sequentially performed-

1- Removal of the infected/ diseased nerve tissue from the root canals, thus halting the spread of infection any further.

2- Cleaning and shaping of the root canals .

3- Filling the root canals with a biocompatible root canal filling material.

Is root canal therapy painful?
The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia , and is usually painless. If required, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed during the course of the treatment.
Usually, after completion of the root canal treatment , most patients are able to preserve the treated tooth for almost as long as its healthy counterpart.

Is there a warranty for the root canal therapy? Does a root canal therapy last forever?
Many patients ask us this question. At the same time, occasionally we see patients who have had past endodontic treatment , but  sometimes the treated tooth does not heal well and becomes painful or diseased monhs or even years after the treatment. In this situation, you still have a second chance at saving the tooth by endodontic retreatment.

There could be a few reasons leading to re-infection after completion of endodontic treatment-
1- New caries/decay can affect the tooth and expose the root canal treated tooth to new bacteria lead to infection.
2- Delay in placing the final restoration and/or the crown after completion of the root canal procedure. A loose, cracked or boken filling.
3-Narrow and cuved root canals to begin with .
4- Microscopic extensions from the root canal ito the tissues which cannot be efficiently cleaned
5- Leakage of saliva between the filling and the root canal , leading to infection .
Re-treatment can be successfully attempted in most cases. After discussing your options of retreatment, the old root canal filling is removed and the canals are cleaned, infection removed . If the canals are narrow or curved, a surgery may be required to remove the infection completely from the tip of the tooth. After re-treatment is successfully completed, the permanent filling and crown are placed immediately in order to avoid any chance of infection in the future.
 What is the cost of a Root Canal therapy?
The cost of a  root canal treatment performed by our team of dentists in Glendale heights , depends on several factors.
 Molars usually are more complex to treat than the other teeth. If root canal treatment is delayed or if one chooses to extract the tooth, then replacement of the extracted tooth by any method is usually more expensive and time consuming  than a root canal treatment.
For any questions regarding root canal treatment in Glendale heights, be sure to consult our
 expert dentists in Glendale heights, at 630-793-9480 or you can enquire online through our website.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Teeth Whitening
Transform your smile... Whiten your teeth at Lotus Dental Care, Glendale Heights, Il 60139 in Dupage county. Do you prefer to whiten your teeth in a day over a few hours or you rather have them whitened at home over a period of 3 - 4 days or over a weekend? We, at Lotus Dental Care provide customized teeth whitening solutions for your specific needs. Over the counter whitening strips and toothpastes are ineffective and do not really provide the fantastic results that are achieved by in - office whitening systems. What is teeth whitening and what type of whitening is best for me? Teeth whitening is a procedure that whitens the enamel and dentin that is discoloured and dark. You can choose from several options if you desire that dazzling white smile.

What causes tooth discolouration?

Many day to day factors can cause slow discolouration of the teeth. Aging, root canal treated teeth, wine, soda, tobacco, coffee, berries, food colorants, mustard, excessive fluoride intake or certain medicaments during the growing phases , certain mouthwashes etc may cause your teeth to darken over a period of time. In office teeth whitening  is the solution for most moderately stained teeth. Come visit our dental office in Glendale Heights to achieve a brighter and whiter smile and it is sure to add to your self - confidence.
In Office whitening-


  • Offers a brighter, whiter smile after just one appointment.
  • Dentist-supervised, in-office procedure is fast and effective. In office whitening products contains potassium nitrate which helps decrease sensitivity associated with bleaching.
Your dental professional may prescribe a take-home whitening product to use at-home afterwards to maximize your results.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Though not a permanent solution, teeth whitening is very effective with results that can last for years. Depending on your personal habits, touch-up kits can be used every 6–12 months to enhance and maintain whitening results. What are the advantages of whitening your teeth? People typically have their teeth whitened to improve their appearance. When people have a brighter smile, they tend to smile more often .

Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes, research and clinical studies indicate that whitening teeth under the supervision of a dentist is safe. In fact, many dentists consider whitening the safest cosmetic dental procedure available. As with any tooth whitening product, in office whitening is not recommended for children under 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women

Is teeth whitening painful?

No, it is not painful, however some patients experience temporary sensitivity for 1-3 days after the procedure. It is transient and disappears in a few days.

How much time does the entire procedure take?

The procedure takes an hour after the preparatory phase is  completed. Ideally, a regular cleaning should be done, and any existing cavities should be filled prior to the procedure for optimum results.

What is the difference between take home whitening kit and in-office procedure?

Take home whitening gels are delivered to your teeth via custom bleaching trays that are made in the office by us which precisely fit and bleach your teeth. The gel available in different strengths and flavours and and can be applied to the trays that can be worn either in the day or at night for 6- 8 hours. Ask us for detailed instructions and product reviews.

Which teeth can I whiten?

You can choose to whiten either your front teeth ( six upper and six lower teeth ) or all your teeth. Whitening cannot change the colour of crowns, veneers and denture teeth. So, any such procedure should be completed prior to whitening , so that the veneers or crowns do not appear yellow after your teeth are whitened.

Touch -ups

All teeth do not whiten uniformly. Some times we can suggest a take -home whitening kit following an in -office session to get better results or if some teeth are rotated or crowded, a touch -up whitening pen can be used to whiten that rotated tooth, so that it matches perfectly with the other teeth.

Contraindications of teeth whitening:

  1. Pregnant or nursing women.
  2. Braces
  3. Moderate to severe gum disease that causes gum swelling, bleeding.
  4. Certain intrinsic dark stains due to medications.
  5. Whitening is not a substitute for regular prophylaxis ( teeth cleaning).

Post- whitening instructions

The next 48 hours are very important to enhance and maximise your whitening results for a bright and long lasting white smile. For the next 2 days, avoid potential staining substances such as:
  • Tea, and /or coffee.
  • Wine
  • Tobacco
  • Mustard and ketchup
  • Soy sauce
  • Berries, Pies
  • Soda, food with dark colouring agents
  • If it stains your clothes, it will stain your teeth
Over the counter pain medicines can be taken if there is too much sensitivity. But remember, sensitivity is temporary, and will soon fade away. Additional ways to maintain your sparkling  White Smile:
  • Avoid potential staining habits.
  • Practice good oral hygiene, with correct brushing techniques along with flossing daily.
  • If you are given additional take home whitening kits, then you may apply it when the sensitivity has subsided.
For any questions about teeth whitening , you may call our Glendale Heights dental  office at 630-793-9480 and we will be happy to help you out.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Welcome to our blog

Lotus Family Dental Care located in Glendale Heights Illinois 60139 would like to thank everyone for visiting this blog. Make sure to visit from time to time as we will post useful information related to dentistry, health related topics, industry news, and events in and around our office .
Posted by Dr Purvi Thakkar .